Successful Job Interview: Preparation and Execution

You've made it! Your CV has impressed and you've been invited to an interview. But now the really exciting part begins: how do you best prepare for the interview and how do you conduct it successfully? Here are our best tips to help you shine at your next job interview.

Tips and tricks to prepare for job interviews

  1. How do I prepare for the interview?  
  2. What do I need to consider during the interview? 
  3. What do I have to do after the job interview? 

How do I prepare for the interview?

An invitation to an interview is a clear sign that your professional qualifications and previous professional experience have been noticed positively. Specific skills or knowledge may need to be checked in more detail during the interview. At this stage of the application process, however, it's not just your technical expertise that matters. The most important thing now is how you come across as a person and whether you have the necessary motivation and passion for the advertised position. 

Tips on how to prepare for a job interview
+ Conduct thorough company research.
+ Understand the job advertisement carefully.
+ Plan your journey carefully to be on time.
+ Gather information about your interviewer.
+ Practice typical interview questions.
+ Choose the right outfit.
+ Prepare a concise self-introduction.

Research is the be-all and end-all

Before you jump into the interview, you should find out as much as you can about the company and the position you are applying for. Visit the company website, read the latest news articles and check out their social media channels. Make a note of important information and think about how you can use it in the interview to show your interest and preparation.

Find out about the company's mission, vision, values and history on their website. Read recent news articles and press releases to keep up to date with the latest developments and successes. Check out their social media profiles to gain insight into the company culture. Find out about the industry, current trends and challenges so that you can contribute in-depth knowledge during the interview. Research the company's key products and services and take a look at the LinkedIn profiles of your interviewees to find out about their professional background and shared interests.

Understand the job advertisement

Read the job advertisement again carefully and make it clear to yourself which skills and experience are particularly in demand. Prepare examples from your previous professional life that show that you meet these requirements. Also think about questions about the job that you can ask in the interview. This shows that you have researched the position in depth.

Bring all the necessary documents to the interview (CV, references, portfolio).

Plan your journey

Plan your journey carefully. Check the route and possible means of transportation and take into account possible traffic jams or delays in public transport. Allow enough time for unforeseen events. It's better to arrive a little earlier and use the time to gather yourself. If you are late for any reason despite careful planning, always let your contact person know in good time.

Know your contacts

Find out who your conversation partners are and make a note of their names and positions. This shows interest and respect. Also take a look at the LinkedIn profiles of your interviewees to gain insights into their professional background and possible common interests.

Practice your job interview

Practice the interview with friends or family and play through typical questions and answers. This helps to reduce nervousness and to appear more confident. Also practice in front of the mirror to observe your body language and facial expressions and improve them if necessary.

Frequently asked questions in a job interview
1. Tell us something about yourself.
2. Why do you want to work for us?
3. Where do you see yourself in five years?
4. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
5. Why did you leave your last job?
6. What do you know about our company?
7. How do you deal with stress?
8. What has been your greatest professional success?
9. How do you work in a team?
10. What do you expect from your future employer?

Practice the answers to these questions, but don't memorize them. Your answers should sound natural and authentic. Also think of examples to back up your statements.


Jeans or suit? The right dress code can be crucial. To choose the right dress code for your interview, it's helpful to research the company and its culture. Take a look at the "About us" page and the company's social media profiles to get an idea of the dress code. If you're unsure, the rule of thumb is: it's better to be a little overdressed than underdressed. Your clothes should always be clean and well-groomed. Go for subtle colors and choose accessories that accentuate your outfit without distracting from it. Also choose clothes that you feel comfortable in to appear confident and relaxed.

+ Inform yourself about the company's dress code.
+ Dress appropriately and professionally, but feel comfortable in your clothes.
+ Pay attention to well-groomed clothing and a neat appearance.
+ It is better to be overdressed than underdressed. 

What do I need to bear in mind during the interview?

Tips for a successful conversation
+ Keep eye contact and smile.
+ Be self-confident but not arrogant.
+ Be authentic and don't pretend.
+ Listen actively and ask questions.
+ Use concrete examples to back up your statements.
+ Remain calm and composed, even when asked difficult questions.
+ Show enthusiasm for the position and the company.
+ Prepare your own questions.

Pay attention to your body language and appearance

Your appearance in the company makes the first impression on your potential work environment and you naturally want to stand out positively. Your body language plays a major role in this. Make sure you have a firm handshake, maintain eye contact and appear open and friendly. Sit up straight and avoid playing nervously with your hands. Treat everyone with respect. A smile works wonders and shows self-confidence.

Be self-confident

You have already taken the first step and have been invited to an interview. This means that your CV and application documents have impressed. Therefore, there is no reason for shyness or self-doubt. Be confident and show your best side. However, be careful not to come across as arrogant. An upright posture and a firm handshake convey confidence.

Be honest and authentic

Recruiters quickly notice when someone is faking something. Be open about your experiences, strengths and also weaknesses - this shows self-confidence and the ability to reflect. Use your own words and talk about your real motivations and interests. Be authentic and answer all questions honestly, because pretending is useless - the truth always comes out.

Be specific

Avoid beating around the bush or giving vague answers. Listen carefully to what the interviewer is asking and answer precisely and directly. Try to understand the intention of the questions so that you can answer them accurately.

Stay calm when asked stressful questions

Some interviewers deliberately ask stressful questions to see how you react under pressure. Stay calm and think for a moment before you answer. Show that you can keep a clear head even in difficult situations.

Tips against nervousness
+ Take a deep breath and relax.
+ Positive visualization of the conversation.
+ Good preparation ensures confidence.
+ Sit up straight and maintain eye contact.
+ Take short breaks to think.

Show enthusiasm

Show your enthusiasm for the position and the company by giving specific examples of why you would like to work for this company and what particularly appeals to you about the position. Emphasize how your values and goals match those of the company and describe how you can make a positive contribution.

Ask your own questions

Towards the end of the interview, you will often have the opportunity to ask your own questions. Take advantage of this opportunity! Ask about the next steps in the application process, the team structure or the projects you will be working on. Good questions show your interest and motivation.

Own questions for the employer
1. What does a typical working day in this position look like?
2. What challenges can I expect in the first six months?
3. How is the team structure organized?
4. What training opportunities do you offer?
5. How will success in this role be measured?
6. What software or tools are mainly used here?
7. Are there flexible working hours or home office options?
8. What are the next steps after this interview?
9. What does the induction process look like?
10. What do you value most about working at this company?

What do I have to do after the job interview?


After the interview, you should thank the interviewer promptly by email. Briefly mention that you found the interview very positive and that you are still very interested in the position. This leaves a good impression and shows that you are professional and interested.

A job interview can be a stressful affair, but with the right preparation and a confident demeanor, you can score points. Show that you have researched the company and the position in depth, be authentic and stay calm, even when things get tricky. We'll keep our fingers crossed for your next job interview!
